In 1989, Mark Griffin founded the Hard Light School of Awakening in Los Angeles, California. A teacher of extraordinary ability, Mark spoke with incredible power and precision regarding the inner and outer dimensions of spiritual training. The transmission of Shaktipat awakening, or Kundalini energy, was at the heart of Mark’s connection with his students.

Describing the Center, Mark has explained:

It’s one of the dynamics of Hard Light that you’re always being hit with more energy than you can handle – pushing that deep into your system, forcing your system to work overtime in the dissolution of kleisha-born, proliferating obscurations and karma, cause and effect at the level of the physical body, at the level of the energy body, at the level of the mental body. That’s the day in, day out work of spiritual life. That has to happen, otherwise nothing happens. At the same time, you’re also being trained.

I call the center the “Hard Light Center of Awakening” – it’s like a hard light focused on you. There are not very many training systems, especially here in the West, where you’ll be asked to meditate for an hour without stopping, where you’ll be asked to meditate for three hours without stopping, where you’ll be asked to meditate three days without stopping. Hard Light is hard core.

Though he left his body in October of 2018, Mark’s teachings tools, guidance, and grace still offer limitless opportunities to engage the Inner Teacher and to continue the dialog of discovery and recognition of the Self. In the Hard Light archives, there are hundreds of audio and video recordings of Marks Meditation Intensives, weekly meditation programs, retreats, philosophy classes, and pilgrimages to India. These materials form the core of study at the Hard Light Center.

The ongoing presence of Siddha Master Mark Griffin is a clear and direct transmission in these teachings and meditation sessions. Please join the Hard Light Center of Awakening for weekly programs, bimonthly Meditation Intensives, and semiannual retreats, both inperson and online. 