“Bodhicitta Guided Meditation” & “Om Namah Shivaya Mantra”

This month we begin with a Bodhicitta Guided Meditation before beginning an in-depth study of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra in preparation for the March annual celebration of Mahashivaratri, the Great Night of Shiva.

The Om Namah Shivaya teaching includes a deep dive into the the subtle energies of the individual syllables of the mantra as well as mantra diksha, initiation by Meditation Master Mark Griffin.

February Online Weekly Teaching & Meditation Schedule: Bodhicitta Guided Meditation & Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

During the February weekly sessions, more treasures from the Hard Light archives will be presented. The weekly program includes Dharma lecture and meditation.

Online via Livestream:

Thursday, February 4th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“Bodhicitta Guided Meditation”

Thursday, February 11th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“Om Namah Shivaya (Part 1)”

Thursday, February 18th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“Om Namah Shivaya (Part 2)”

Thursday, February 25th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“Om Namah Shivaya (Part 3)”

Thursday, March 4th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“Om Namah Shivaya (Part 4)”

The Witness
The year’s study begins with a two-part series on “The Witness,” a very significant and timely teaching by Master Mark Griffin. He begins by explaining:
“Simply put, the Witness is a form of consciousness wherein consciousness observes or perceives consciousness. It is what we would consider fundamental consciousness expressing itself through the formation of consciousness that we call the Mind…”

January Online Weekly Teaching & Meditation Schedule: The Witness

During the January weekly sessions, more treasures from the Hard Light archives will be presented. The weekly program includes Dharma lecture and meditation.

Online via Livestream:

Thursday, January 21st

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“The Witness (Part 1)”

Thursday, January 28th

7:30-9:00 PM (PST)

“The Witness (Part 2)”

Why Do Sadhana?
Over and over, we heard Mark use the expression “klesha-born proliferating obscurations” when referring to the karmic content that impacts and shapes our perception of the world and ourselves as the “I” consciousness, the performer of actions. Mark states that:
“The word “klesha” implies ideation conditioned by emotion stored in a samsaric and karmic condition inside – it’s like a program, it’s like a software that conditions every experience you have. That software is the fruit of countless lives and all of the dynamics and experiences of perception of this life leading up to this moment. The impact of these tendencies, these klesha-born proliferating obscurations, is a kind of snare. People tend to be bound up in their nature, bound up in their tendencies.
Sadhana means spiritual practice. What has become so very clear is that sadhana, the practice of meditation, of turning the attention inward and stilling the mind, day-by-day, every day, is the most trustworthy and reliable method of dissolving and pacifying the tendencies that cloud our perception and keep us bound to a limited sense of self.”
Why do sadhana? It reveals the true nature of things as they are.

December Online Meditation Schedule: Why Do Sadhana?

During the December weekly sessions, more treasures from the Hard Light archives will be presented. The weekly program includes Dharma lecture and meditation.

Online via Livestream:

Thursday, December 3rd

Why Do Sadhana?

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, December 10th

Cultivating Character

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, December 17th

Completion–Divine Will

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, December 24th

Christmas Break –
No Meeting
(We will resume on Jan. 21, 2021)
The Universe

During many of his esoteric teachings on the nature of existence, Meditation Master Mark Griffin often refers to this world where we live as “Jambudvipa.” There are historical, mythological, and cosmological references to Jambudvipa, the Land of Jambu Trees, the World of Endurance. Mark goes on to say that the world system to which we belong is 13 of 25 such world systems.

The extent of what Mark means by “world system” is elusive. Deeper understanding can be gleaned more through contemplation and intuition than by academic analysis. But what always comes to the forefront is the unimaginable scope of dimensions of reality that intersect here and are open to our perception.

“You should understand that our universe is one of one thousand universes inside one world system, inside an ocean of world systems; and our little planet is an infinitesimal speck in these thousand-universe sets of thousand universes.

Our form is that of human beings. We gain our movement, our awakening, through the dynamic of yoga, the operation of the yoke of consciousness – yoking awareness to consciousness and unfolding through the impact of that experience. Once a being has recognized the truth, the doorway between these world systems begins to open.

Consciousness is just extraordinary.”

November Online Meditation Schedule: The Universe

In this day long meditation session held in San Francisco on December 1, 2007, Mark Griffin gave an overview of our world system and revealed a glimpse into the many strata of beings that inhabit this vast universe. Where is our place in it?

This lecture will played in three parts over the month of November. The weekly session includes Dharma teaching and meditation.

Online via Livestream:

Thursday, November 5th

The Universe, Part 1

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, November 12th

The Universe, Part 2

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, November 19th

The Universe, Part 3

7:30 PM – 9 PM

Thursday, November 26th

Thanksgiving Break –
No Meeting
(We will resume on Dec. 3)