Dream Yoga – transcript



Product Description

Dream Yoga…

What in the world is dream yoga? And is it even in this world?

To put it simply, dream yoga is a gift from the Guru that gives the dreamer a pathway to the higher mind.  As Mark Griffin, leader and founder of the Hard Light Center of Awakening, puts it, “Dream yoga is a very powerful and profound spiritual practice, and lots of fun.

Griffin incorporates dream yoga into his retreats, and the talk included in this book is from one of those retreats.  It provides deep insight into the meaning and methods of dream yoga.
During spiritual retreats, dream yoga is a way of continuing the daytime meditation sessions into the night.  At home, on your own, it is a practice to increase your dreaming power and further develop your spirituality while sleeping.  During dream yoga, you will visit your usual dream locales, but you will not remain there.  You will soar into:

“…dreams of the heavens; the paradises; the realm of the Gods and Goddesses; and the realms of consciousness of the Gurus and Great Masters.  You can even dream all the way into connection and contact with God.”

 ~ Mark Griffin



Hard Light Transcripts are lightly edited and formatted in large print that is easy on the eyes.

15 pages


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