Prana, SoHam, Four Bodies – transcript



Product Description

Prana SoHam Four Bodies

This day long Shaktipat Intensive was given by Mark Griffin in San Francisco, CA on June 7th, 2008. The main theme was the functioning of prana, and how the structure and mechanics of the subtle body are precisely designed to support Awakening.

Key points include:

• What is the relationship of the four bodies – the physical, the subtle, the causal and the supra-causal – to the four states of consciousness?

• Does Prana operate the same in all four bodies?

• What does contact with the fourth body feel like?

• How does SO and HAM relate to Shiva and Shakti?

• Why is the breath different as a tool of awakening after receiving Shaktipat?

• What did the Buddha mean by his teaching “If this does not arise, that does not exist”?

18 pages


Hard Light Transcripts are lightly edited and formatted in large print that is easy on the eyes. 


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