Pratyahara II Meditation – mp3



Product Description

Pratyahara II Meditation

The Pratyahara Meditation is the foundation of meditative practices used in Hard Light Center of Awakening. In April, 2008 Mark led the group in a fresh look at this profound technique for stopping the mind. Though the essential concepts are the same as those in the Pratyahara I Meditation, new insights can be gleamed from the different tact Mark takes in explaining it to us here. Used as a daily companion to meditation, you’ll find this technique will enliven your practice.

This audio download is divided into three tracks – track one is an introduction to the five stages of the skillful means, and gives great inspiration as to why to pursue them; include it when you have time, or jump straight to track two for the meditation on a daily basis. Track 3 is music ideally suited for meditation.

Tap the switch – still the mind – dive in!



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