Rupa – The Blue Pearl -mp3



Product Description

Rupa – The Blue Pearl

In an all-day meditation Intensive held November 15th, 2008, Mark Griffin taught about the significance of seeing the Blue Pearl – the scintillating blue atom that paradoxically contains the entire universe.  It is said that one glimpse of the Blue Pearl is enough to gain liberation.  The talk was also an in-depth study on emptiness, in which Mark taught that using the state of non-duality within meditation is a rapid accelerator of spiritual evolution.  The ability to perceive things such as they are – what Mark calls ‘suchness’ – enables you to become free from the binding influence of kleisha-born afflictions and proliferating obscurations, which in turn makes a vast reservoir of energy available to you that is otherwise tied up.  Suchness is derived from the witness state, and the teaching on the witness was a large part of this Intensive as well.  Mark teaches in this talk that it is very important to generate awareness without reference points – to stop the mind.  This talk shows the way how to do this.

As Mark said “This way will carry you across the ocean”

The talk is 109 minutes. 


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