Shiva Yoga -mp3



Product Description

Shiva Yoga

“Today’s Intensive is going to be a Shiva Intensive. It is important to say that the origin of our lineage,
through the grace and benefit of Bhagawan Muktananda and Nityananda who are both
members of the Shiva lineage, the Maheshvara lineage, originally manifested in the Deccan plane of
southern India. Technically speaking, the energy of Shiva is both one of the faces of God, and
the current power that is the ruling force here in our world system of thirteen-of-twenty-five. Its force is
centrifugal, which is to say it arises from the center and spreads in all directions simultaneously. This is
the signature of the personality, characterized as centrifugal dispersion.
The nature of the presence of Shiva is a universal energy; and more specifically speaking, the
form and presence of the session today will be that of Bhairava, which is a wrathful form of Shiva.
It takes on the personality of dividing the stream of grace into five rays. The five rays are
characterized as the force of creation, that of origin; of maintenance or preservation,
sustaining the creation; and withdrawal, that of dissolution of the creation, the dissolving of all
form into its underlying emptiness. Also the energy of veiling: it is veiling that, as one of the powers
of God, acts as a form of Maya, producing an illusory separation.”  ~Mark Griffin
Intensive given on August 25, 2012


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