The Guru Mahasamadhi



Product Description

This is the transcript of a one-day intensive Mark Griffin gave on October 19, 2013.

“It says in the Guru Gita that God, Guru and Self are one and rise simultaneously. By aligning your attention with the seat of the Guru Shakti, this divine triangular structure at the space at the crown of the head, you very immediately become aware of a very profound presence that spontaneously arises; and you feel it as a presence and as a pressure at the crown of the head. By teaching yourself to align your attention with the Guru Shakti in this way, placing your attention at the crown of the head, including the structure of this divine architecture of the triangle and the red and white drops that are present within the triangle, the SoHam, you can very easily align with a very profound spiritual force of the Guru.”

11 pages

Hard Light Raw Transcripts are un-edited, and are taken directly from talks by Mark Griffin. They are formatted in large print and are easy on the eyes. They are available in two formats: Kindle e-book (go to the Amazon store) and PDF format.

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