Wheel of Time



Product Description

This is the two-day intensive Mark Griffin gave on December 31, 2007. 

“We have been moving inside a stream of
consciousness that is characterized by the Anatara Yoga, called the Perfection of Wisdom. It speaks of a state of
consciousness that is the dynamic of a co-emergent horizon. Coemergent means that they arise simultaneously, they inform each
other. They are both the cause and result of each other, of form and emptiness. The idea of form would be characterized as the
creation. The idea of emptiness is a very complex idea that can be only described in words with difficulty, but speaks of a dynamic
phenomenal arising, wherein all cause and result are dependent in terms of either meeting or reliance upon the one arising next to the other.

And that no phenomenal experience or no phenomenal expression arises essential and such as it is, but always through a
compound dynamic of interactions; that the balance of this form and emptiness originates in a kind of supraconscious reality
that is without origin and without end. The shorthand name for this supraconscious reality is Atman, Ocean of Consciousness, God.
But this idea of the simultaneous arising of emptiness as form and form as emptiness is the essence of this speech.”

80 pages

Hard Light Raw Transcripts are un-edited, and are taken directly from talks by Mark Griffin. They are formatted in large print and are easy on

the eyes. Available in PDF format.

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