News from Mark Griffin - Awaken Now!Sanskrit Recitation Course


~ Verse 11 ~

Continually remember the Guru’s form. Repeat
his name and follow his command – think of
nothing but the Guru.


Guru  murtim
goo - roo  moor - teem

Note: the 'i' in murtim is long. Murtim means form

smu - ray - nit - yum

Note: smara means remember; nityam means always (Bhagawan Nityananda's name perpetual bliss)

guru naama
goo - roo naa - mu
Note: naama means name
sadaa japet
su - daa  ju - pait
Note: sadaa means always; japet is japa - repetition of mantra
Now combine the first line into one...
Guru murtim smarenityam, guru naama sadaa japet
goo - ro - raa - gnyam
Note: jñ ~ there are several correct ways to say this. It's acceptable to pronounce it like 'gnya' or as 'jnya', or even better yet, somewhere between 'gnya' and 'jnya'.
pru - koor - vi - tu
Note: my pronunciation of the 'i' is a bit longer than it should be. The 'i' here is short. Shorten it up a bit and do it better than I did... me
guror anyanna
goo - roar  un - yun - nu
bhaa - vu - yay + t
Note: check that your bhaa is aspirated a bit. Watch that you don't say the 'yet' as we would in English. The 'e' in the transliteration is a dipthong like 'hey' or 'okay'.
Now combine the second line into one...
Guroraajñaam prakurvita, guror anyanna bhaavayet

Now repeat the entire verse all together:

Guru murtim smarenityam, guru naama sadaa japet; Guroraajñaam prakurvita, guror anyanna bhaavayet.

And make sure you know the keywords. The idea in this verse is that the keywords in the first line are all pretty easy to remember and know. And once you have those down, the essence of this whole verse will spring to mind easily.
Guru murtim smarenityam, guru naama sadaa japet; Guroraajñaam prakurvita, guror anyanna bhaavayet.
Continually remember the Guru’s form. Repeat his name and follow his command – think of nothing but the Guru.

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