O Beloved, pranam with love to the Guru’s feet
every day, making an offering of prayers and
devotion to him wherever he may be.
He is always fully awake and at one with Pure
Consciousness, witnessing the drama of myriad
world systems arising and dissolving.
shree – naa – thu
Note: The th is slightly aspirated.
Shri means auspiciousness; natha means lord, the incomparable or best, so this is a form of address to the Guru meaning the highest one.
Note: Dishi translates as direction. Notice it is used three times in this verse, which is all about orienting oneself to the Guru - the essence of Guru Yoga.
Note: Tasyai means that. Again, dishe means direction. 'In that direction' meaning whereever the Guru may be.
namas kuryaad
nu – mus koor – yaad
Note: Namas means salutation or homage, just as we've seen in the verses using the form of the word namaha.
bhaktyaa prati
bhuk – tyaa pru – tee
Note: bhaktyaa is a form of the word bhakti, or devotion. This was our first keyword in verse one, and will appear five more times in the Guru Gita, so it's a good one to know.
dinam priye
dee – num pree – yay
Note: as we saw in verse 34, priye means dear one or beloved, a term of affection and compassion.
Tasyai dishe namas kuryaad, bhaktyaa prati dinam priye
Tasyai dishe
tus – yai dee – shay
satatam añjali
su – tu – tum ugnyu – li
(the final syllable sounds more like an 'a' in the audio clip than it should - go for the 'i' sound instead). If you go to hatha yoga classes, you may have heard an instructor ask you to put your hands together in anjali mudra. Anjali means hands. In this verse it refers to a offering a handful of offerings to the Guru.
resha aarye
ray – shu aar – yay
Tasyai dishe satatam añjaliresha aarye
pruk – ship – yu – tay
moo – khu – ree – to
Note: the 'kh' is aspirated
mu – dhoo – pair
Note: the 'dh' is aspirated
budhaish cha
boo – dhai + sh chu
Note: Budhi means intellect; here it refers to the use of the mind to have the wisdom to make offerings to the universal Guru.
prakshipyate mukharito madhupair budhaish cha
Jaagarti yatra
jaa – gur – tee yu – tru
Note: In verse 30 we saw the word jaagrat, meaning awake. Here that same word takes the form jaagarti, refering to the ever-wakeful nature of pure consciousness in which the Guru resides.
bhagavaan guru chakra varti
bhu – gu – vaan goo – roo chu – kru vur – tee
Note: You are probably familiar with the word chakra, refering to the 7 chakras in the subtle body. Chakra essentially means wheel, as the subtle centers are thought of a wheels within the body. Varti means monarch or king. Thus chakravarti means 'king of the wheel'. This is really a reference to a fully-librated being who has gained dominion over the wheel of cyclic existence and is no longer forced to take rebirth. Bhagavan means great lord.
vish – vo – du – yu
Note: The root vishvo means universal or transcendental.
pralaya naataka
pru – lu – lu naa – tu – ku
Note: pralaya refers to the concept that the universe periodically is dissolved or re-absorbed. This is akin to the big-bang theory, and is a central theme in Vedic philosophy. This verse points out that the Guru is awake even during periods of cosmic dissolution.
nit – yu saak – shee
Note: Nitya means always or eternally; the great siddha Bhagawan Nityananda's name referred to the fact that he was in perpetual bliss (ananda). Saakshi means the witness aspect of pure consciousness
Jaagarti yatra bhagavaan guru chakra varti, vishvodaya pralaya naataka nitya saakshi
O Beloved, pranam with love to the Guru’s feet every day, making an offering of prayers and devotion to him wherever he may be. He is always fully awake and at one with Pure Consciousness, witnessing the drama of myriad world systems arising and dissolving.