~ Verse 23 ~

I bow to my Guru who is Shiva, the prime
tattva, the only bridge across the ocean of
samsara. As the master of all knowledge, he
knows that by which all else is known.



Hetave jagataam eva
hay – tu – vay ju – gu – taam ay – vu

Note: jagat means universe, and again, eva means indeed.

samsaarar nava
sum – saa – rur nu – vu

Note: samsaara is the mire of worldy existence. The word arnava, which we saw in verse 21, is attached to it here, giving the meaning the ocean of samsara.

say – tu – vay
Note: setave means bridge
Now glue the first phrase together...
Hetave jagataam eva, samsaarar nava setave
pru - bhu – vay
Note: the 'bh' is aspirated slightly
sarva vidyaanaam
sur – vu veed – yaa – num
Note: again, sarva means all; vidya means knowledge.
shambhave gurave namaha
shum – bhu – vay goo – ru – vay nu – mu + (hu)
Note: this is like those verses ending in tasmai shri gurave namaha, but in this case tasmai has been substituted by shambave. Shamba is another name for Shiva, and 'ave' at the end means to shamba, here translated as the prime tattva. Shamba also carries the connotation of Shiva as the bestower of bliss and the abode of happiness.
Now glue the second phrase together...
Prabhave sarva vidyaanaam, shambhave gurave namaha

Now repeat the entire verse all together:

Hetave jagataam eva, samsaarar nava setave; Prabhave sarva vidyaanaam, shambhave gurave namaha.
and know the keywords:
Hetave jagataam eva, samsaarar nava setave; Prabhave sarva vidyaanaam, shambhave gurave namaha.
I bow to my Guru who is Shiva, the prime tattva, the only bridge across the ocean of samsara. As the master of all knowledge, he knows that by which all else is known.

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