News from Mark Griffin - Awaken Now!Sanskrit Recitation Course


~ Verse 33 ~

If Shiva is angry, the Guru protects you. If Vishnu
is angry, the Guru saves you. But if the Guru is
angry, there’s nowhere to hide. Therefore strive
to the utmost to take refuge in the Guru's grace.


Shive kruddhe
shi – vay krood – dhay
Note: Shive is a grammatical variation of Shiva. Kruddhe means if angry.
guru straataa
goo – roo straa – taa
Note: The guru is the savior (traataa)
gurau kruddhe
goo – row krood – dhay
Note: ... if the guru is angry
shivo na hi
shee – vo nu hee
Note: na... not. Shiva cannot protect you if the Guru is angry, but the Guru can protect you if Shiva is angry.
Shive kruddhe guru straataa, gurau kruddhe shivo na hi
Tasmaat sarva
tus – maat sur – vu
pru – yut – nay – nu
Note: prayatnena is a wonderful word that we saw in verse 13 and will see again in verse 83. It means give it your full effort. So it's a wonderful juxtaposition of receiving the ultimate level of grace from the guru, and giving the ultimate level of self-effort. Self-effort and grace are the two wings of the bird of spiritual practices, and this is contained all at once in this verse.
shri gurum
shree goo – room
sharanam vrajet
sha – ru – num vra – jayt
Note: sharanam = refuge; vrajet = take. Take refuge in the Guru.
Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet
Harau rushte
hu – row roosh – tay
Note: Harau is a grammatical variation of Hari, which is another name for Vishnu. Rushte is another word meaning angry.
guru straataa
goo – roo straa – taa
gurau rushte
goo – row roosh – tay
na kashchana
nu kush – chu – nu
Harau rushte guru straataa, gurau rushte na kashchana
Tasmaat sarva
tus – maat sur – vu
pru – yut – nay – nu
shri gurum sharanam vrajet
shree goo – room sha – ru – num vra – jayt
Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet
Now repeat the entire verse all together:
Shive kruddhe guru straataa, gurau kruddhe shivo na hi; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet.

Harau rushte guru straataa, gurau rushte na kashchana; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet.
and know the keywords:
Shive kruddhe guru straataa, gurau kruddhe shivo na hi; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet.

Harau rushte guru straataa, gurau rushte na kashchana; Tasmaat sarva prayatnena, shri gurum sharanam vrajet.

If Shiva is angry, the Guru protects you. If Vishnu is angry, the Guru saves you. But if the Guru is angry, there’s nowhere to hide. Therefore strive to the utmost to take refuge in the Guru's grace.


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