News from Mark Griffin - Awaken Now!Sanskrit Recitation Course


~ Verse 32 ~

Goddess Parvati, only the Guru can remove the
fear of aging and the dread of death. The Guru
offers protection to his disciples, even if they
are cursed by the sages, demons or gods.


Munibhih panna
moo – nee – bhee (h) pun – nu
Note: muni means sage or one who keeps silence; it is related to the Sanskrit word for silence: mauna. By keeping silence or practising other forms of austerities, it is held that one accrues great power. This kind of power can be used for good or evil. So this verse is saying that if you meet such an individual who has turned that power towards negativity, then you can be protected from that, or even the power held by the demi-gods, if you take refuge in the Guru.
gair vaapi
gair vaa – pee
Note: taking the last two letters (na) of the previous phrase plus the first two letters of the current phrase (ga), we find the word naga, which translates as snakes or serpents, and also references a race of very powerful beings that are said to live below the surface of the earth. It is said that the great sage Patanjali was a naga. So the verse also includes the meaning that even being cursed by a naga, you will find protection in the Guru.
soo – rai – vaa
Note: the sura are another class of divine being.
shaapito yadi
shaa – pee – to yu – dee
Note: shaapito means cursed.
Munibhih pannagair vaapi, surairvaa shaapito yadi
Kaala mrtyu
kaa – lu mr(i) – tyoo

Note: kaala is time; mrtyu means death. The meaning here is not that the Guru actually stops time or prevents death, but he is able to release us from the binding influence of fear of these forces. He removes the fear we have of them when we are bound to the wheel of cyclic existence.

bhayaad vaapi
bhu – yaad vaa – pee
Note: bhayaad means fear.
guru rakshati
goo – roo ruk – shu – tee
Note: rakshati means to protect, coming from the Sanskrit root raksh, which means 'to guard against'. There are wonderful Indian bhajans or songs that include the phrase 'rakshame' – protect me. Pay special attention to the short 'a' sounds in this word.
paar – vu – tee
Note: It's always great to remember that the Guru Gita is a dialog between Shiva and Parvati, and this is another one of the verses when he directly addresses her by name.
Kaala mrtyu bhayaad vaapi, guru rakshati paarvati
Now repeat the entire verse all together:
Munibhih pannagair vaapi, surairvaa shaapito yadi; Kaala mrtyu bhayaad vaapi, guru rakshati paarvati.
and know the keywords:
Munibhih pannagair vaapi, surairvaa shaapito yadi; Kaala mrtyu bhayaad vaapi, guru rakshati paarvati.
Goddess Parvati, only the Guru can remove the fear of aging and the dread of death. The Guru offers protection to his disciples, even if they are cursed by the sages, demons or gods.

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