News from Mark Griffin - Awaken Now!Sanskrit Recitation Course


~ Verse 19 ~

The Guru knows you inside and out. O Beautiful
One, withhold no part of yourself from him,
neither that which you think of as pure nor
that which you think of as dark and foul –
including the germs and worms of your body,
and the blood, skin and flesh, all of which are
finally reduced to ashes.

verse 19

Krmi kita
kri - mee  kee - ta

Note: the 'r' is a vowel, so give it a bit of a roll to let the 'k' sound connect into the 'mi' sound. The 'i' of krmi is long; the 'i' of kita is short.

krmi means germs; kita means worms. Basically, if you know this one word, the meaning of the whole verse should come to you...

bhasma vishthaa
bhus - mu  veesh - thaa

Note: The 'i' is long.

The 'sh' sound is made in the middle the mouth cavity, and is known as a cerebral. Let your tongue go back into the area where the 3 is in this picture below.

The 'th' sound following this cerebral 'sh' is also made from that number 3 position of the mouth. The tongue actually touches the roof of the mouth there, as that sound is made.


bhasma means ash; vishthaa means feces

door - gun - dhee
Note: the 'i' is long. Durgandhi means foul-smelling.
mala mutrakam
mu - lu  moo - tru - kum
Note: mala means excretion; mootrakam means urine.
now glue the first phrase together...
Krmi kita bhasma vishthaa, durgandhi mala mutrakam
Shleshma raktam
shlay - shmu  ruk - tum
Note: The first 'sh' sound is palatal, and is made towards the back of the mouth. Let your tongue go back into the area where the 2 is in this picture above.

The second 'sh' sound is made more in the middle the mouth cavity, and is known as a cerebral. Let your tongue go back into the area where the 3 is in this picture above.

shleshma means phlegm; raktam means blood

tva chaa maamsam
tvu - chaa  maam - sum
Note: the 'v' is soft, like a v/w.
Tvachaa means skin; maansam means flesh
vun - chu - yayn - nu
Note: don't worry about the ñ - that's the correct transliteration for this letter, but basically it just sounds like 'n' in this context. By itself, this letter does sound like ñ in Spanish... nya. But it's used here because it is the 'n' sound that is made in the same place in the mouth (palatal) that the 'ch' is made, so the tongue stays where it is.
vu - raa - nu - nay
Note: varaanane means beautiful one. It is particularly striking in this verse which talks about such seemingly non-beautiful things like germs, worms, and foul things of the body.
and the second phrase all together...
Shleshma raktam tva chaa maamsam, vañchayenna varaanane

Now repeat the entire verse all together:

Krmi kita bhasma vishthaa, durgandhi mala mutrakam; Shleshma raktam tva chaa maamsam, vañchayenna varaanane.
and with awareness of the keywords:
Krmi kita bhasma vishthaa, durgandhi mala mutrakam; Shleshma raktam tva chaa maamsam, vañchayenna varaanane.
The Guru knows you inside and out. O Beautiful One, withhold no part of yourself from him, neither that which you think of as pure nor that which you think of as dark and foul – including the germs and worms of your body, and the blood, skin and flesh, all of which are finally reduced to ashes.

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