News from Mark Griffin - Awaken Now!Sanskrit Recitation Course


~ Verse 30 ~

It is the Guru who illuminates the mind, not the
mind that illuminates the Guru. I bow to my
Guru who is the supreme witness of waking,
dreaming and deep sleep states.


Yena cheta
yay – nu chay – tu
Note: cheta is the illuminating quality of chit, the mind. It is the liveliness of awareness. The word chaitanya is related to this, and means the fully awakened or enlivened.
yate hidam
yu – tay hee – dum
chittam cheta
che – tum chay – tu
Note: chittam as the mind, cheta (as above) the illuminating function of the mind - the witness.
yate na yam
yu – tay nu yum
Yena chetayate hidam, chittam chetayate na yam
Jaagrat svapna
jaa – grut svup – nu

Note: the 'v' is halfway between a hard 'v' and a soft 'w'; jagrat means waking state. It looks almost like jagat, meaning universe, as we have seen in the past few verses, but it is not the same. Note the difference. Svapna is the dream state of consciousness.

soo – shoop - tyaa – dee
Note: sushupti is the dream state of consciousness.
tasmai shri gurave namaha
Jaagrat svapna sushuptyaadi tasmai shri gurave namaha.
Now repeat the entire verse all together:
Yena chetayate hidam, chittam chetayate na yam; Jaagrat svapna sushuptyaadi, tasmai shri gurave namaha.
and know the keywords:
Yena chetayate hidam, chittam chetayate na yam; Jaagrat svapna sushuptyaadi, tasmai shri gurave namaha.
It is the Guru who illuminates the mind, not the mind that illuminates the Guru. I bow to my Guru who is the supreme witness of waking, dreaming and deep sleep states.

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